==> In today's world, with developing science and technology. there is a huge focus on reusing man power and increase in automation and autonomous systems, so as to achieve higher accuracy, fast rate and reducing risk on human life. almost all the sectors are getting automation now a days. ==> one such aspect is UAV (unmanned aeriel vehicle) commonly called as drone. ==> UAV is an aircraft without an on board pilot. ==> DRONE: Dynamic Remotely Operated Navigation Equipment ==> It has many applications which will be useful to people of various sector. Example: -->Inspection and Monitoring (Pollution , Search and Rescue) -->Aerial Imaging -->Precision Agriculture -->Flight Dynamics -->Swarming -->Slam -->Solar Park and PV( Pharmaco Vigilance) inspection -->Condition Survey and Civil Engineering -->Surveying and Mapping. -->Computer Vision -->Army -->Disaster Relief and many more .................