HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

Html or hypertext markup language is the basic language used in the creation of web pages. Hypertext refers to text stored in electronic format that can be cross-linked and markup language
refers to a set of instructions for displaying information.

the following tags help you to build the web page if you have doubts comment below.

<! DOCTYPE html>        <!-- web browsers detect which type of document is it-->

<html>                                      <!-- root of the web page-->

<head>             <!-- Description of the web page content or internal css -->

<title> POOJITH VARDHAN </title>                                                     <!-- title of the web page -->

</head>                                                         <!-- head close tag -->

<body bgcolor= yellow> <!-- to set a background color for complete web page -->

<h1> HELLO WORLD </h1> <!-- Headers to display content in different sizes -->

<p> HI I AM <q> POOJITH VARDHAN </q>     <!-- Puts quotations for the required content -->

<br>                                      <!-- break the line -->

                                             <!-- Paragraph -->

<blockquote>                                         <!-- to display content like a block -->

Swecha is a non-profit organization formerly called as Free Software Foundation Andhra Pradesh (or FSF-AP in short) later changed name to Swecha which is also the first Telugu Operating System released in year 2005, Swecha is a part of Free Software Movement of India (FSMI).


<strong>An Unordered HTML List</strong>             <!-- to  display content in bold -->

<ul>                                                      <!-- ul-unordered list -->
  <li>Suresh</li>                                                      <!-- li-list item -->

<b>An Ordered HTML List</b>                                         <!-- to display content in bold -->

<ol>                                                        <!-- ol-ordered list -->

<br><br>                                                 <!-- "i" and "em" to display content in italic -->

<table border=2px style="width:50%"> <!-- table occupies only 50% of web page width with border 2px -->

 <tr>                                             <!-- tr-table row -->
    <th>Name</th>                                              <!-- th-table header -->
    <th>Place</th>                            <!-- headers are default display at center and bold -->
<tr>                                                                         <!-- first row -->
    <td>Poojith</td>                         <!-- td-table data-->
<tr>                                    <!--second row -->
    <td>Vishnu</td>                                             <!-- <tr> to </tr> one row -->
<tr>                                                                  <!-- third row -->
    <td>Amar Sai</td>

</table>                                                         <!-- table close tag -->

<p align="center"> AUGUST 15                                     <!-- aligns paragraph in center -->

<sup>th</sup>                                         <!-- superscript -->

<q>INDEPENDENCE DAY</q>  </p>                        <!-- will insert quotes -->

<p align="center"> water is represented as H<sub>2</sub>O  </p> <!-- subscript -->


<center>                                                 <!-- to align content in center of page-->

<img src="download.jpg" >                               <!-- img tag to insert image in the webpage -->

<marquee> WELCOME </marquee>                 <!-- to generate content which scrolls -->

<h1> FORM ELEMENTS </h1>

  <h1>Textbox</h1>                              <!-- creates a single line box to write -->
  <input name="firstname" type="text">

  <select name="branches">                 <!-- a scroll block where we can select only one -->
  <option value="CSE">CSE</option>
  <option value="ECE">ECE</option>
  <option value="EEE">EEE</option>
  <option value="CIVIL">CIVIL</option>

<h1>textarea</h1>                        <!-- multiple lines writing block -->
<textarea name="message" rows="5" cols="10"></textarea>

<h1>radio </h1> <!-- radio button we can select only one -->
  <input type="radio" name="gender" value="male" checked> Male
  <input type="radio" name="gender" value="female"> Female
  <input type="radio" name="gender" value="other"> Other

<h1>checkbox</h1> <!-- checkboxes we can select multiple items -->
  <input type="checkbox" name="good" value="good"> GOOD
  <input type="checkbox" name="better" value="better"> BETTER
  <input type="checkbox" name="best" value="best" checked> BEST

  <input type="button" onclick="alert('Hello World!')" value="Click Me!">
                                        <!-- will insert a button alert is to generate a pop up screen -->


  <input type="submit">             <!-- which displays a submit button -->


Select your favorite color:
  <input type="color" name="favcolor" value="#ff0000"> <!-- we can select our required color -->

<!-- type="color" is not supported in Internet Explorer 11 and earlier versions or Safari 9.1 and earlier versions -->


  <input type="date" name="bday">                   <!-- will display calender and selection -->
                  <!-- type="date" is not supported in Safari or Internet Explorer 11 and earlier versions. -->


  <input type="email" name="email">                   <!-- it supports a valid mail id only -->                                                                                            <!-- type="email" is not supported in IE9 and earlier. -->


 Select a file: <input type="file" name="myFile">
                                                                                         <!-- we can select a file from local system -->


Quantity (between 1 and 5):
  <input type="number" name="quantity" min="1" max="5">
                                                                                                       <!-- only for valid number range -->

</form> <!-- form close -->
</body> <!-- end of all the display content of web page -->
</html> <!-- end of html file -->

== > For Execution copy the code in a notepad and save with extension of  ".html" and open it using Google Chrome or other web browsers........


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