Welcome to the 21st century.

==> Twenty-first century, where men and women fear a pregnancy much more than HIV.

==> Where the pizza delivery service arrives faster than the ambulance.

==> Where people die of fear of terrorists and criminals far more than they fear God.

==> Where clothes decide the value of a person and having money is more important than having friends or even family.

==> 21st century, where children are able to give up their parents for their virtual love.

==> Where the parents forget to gather the family to the table for a harmonious dinner, talking about the day to day because they are entertained in their work or cellular.

==> Where men and women often just want relationships without obligations and their only "commitment" becomes posing for photos and posting on social networks swearing eternal love.

==> Where love became public or a play.

==> Here sex is free and love has become a pocket full of notes.

==> Where losing your cell phone is worse than losing your values. Where fashion is smoking and drinking, and if you do not, you are obsolete.

==> Where the bathroom became a studio for photos and the church, the perfect place to check in.

==> Where the most popular or the most followed with the most tanned in photos is the one that seems to squander happiness; the one who posts photos in cool and fun places surrounded by "empty friendships" with "uncertain loves" and "disunited families."

==> Where people forgot to take care of the spirit, the empty soul and decided to care and worship their bodies.

==> Where else is a liposuction to have the desired body of the "artistic world" than a university degree.

==> Where a photo in the gym has a lot more tanned than a photo studying or practicing good deeds.
21st century, here you only survive if you play with "reason", and you are destroyed if you act with your heart!

Today's Situation :

More Degrees  -  Less common sense

Lots of Humans  -  Less Humanity

High IQ  - Less Emotions

Advanced Medicine  -  Poor Health

Big House  -  Small Family

High Income  -  Less Peace of Mind

Lots of friends on Facebook  -   No Best Friends

Number of Affairs  -  No True Love


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